søndag den 5. juli 2009

In the twilight zone

My earflaps - just like those of a puppy, and they, as we all know, will perk up in no time! - were instantly pointed at (as well as my full - and otherwise human - attention, was drawn towards) this new phenomenon, called Google Wave, when it emerged on the net a few weeks ago.

To a puppy, anything’s new – and I mean, just about anything – and will make it wager its tail, full of curiosity, excited about this unknown world it’s been brought into. Sniffing, stumbling, even barely capable of staying on its own feet, it’ll go on – a whole new world is waiting!

As for myself…
Just recently I had to give up on telling people (and reluctantly, mind you!), when asked, that “Oh yeah, sure - I’m (still) in my forties!”.
Sometimes, and more often than not, accompanied with a somewhat sour grin on my face!!
And then, just a few weeks ago, I woke up one morning and I was fifty – nothing strange about that, though sometimes you wonder how time just passes by, and you, out of control completely.

Now, will I be able to go on being enthusiastic about the new world, so to speak, that’s waiting ahead of me? Or, will I be that old hound dog that’s seen it all, that barely lifts its eyebrow when spoken to?

Am I completely out of my mind?
Being around and among much younger people, will I fall through?
Too old to be a mother, yet too young to be a granny, will I come out a winner?

Cher: If I Could Turn Back Time